RF Investment AG, Lindenstrasse 14, 6340 Baar
Services, Market Offer and Costs
RF Investment AG provides an extensive market offer in the field of asset management and advisory services for its clients. All services as well as the costs and risks involved are elaborated in the respective asset management or advisory contract.
Conflicts of Interest
Due to the activities of RF Investment AG conflicts of interest may arise. The asset manager has taken expedient organisational measures in order to prevent such conflicts of interest from arising between him or his employees and the client and in order to exclude the possibility of client disadvantage due to such conflicts of interest.
RF Investment AG received approval as an asset manager from the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA in November 2022 in accordance with the new Financial Institutions Act FinIA. Our company is thus approved and licensed as an asset management institute in Switzerland. Ongoing supervision is carried out by FINcontrol Suisse AG in addition to FINMA.
Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA, Laupenstrasse 27, 3003 Bern www.finma.ch
FINcontrol Suisse AG, c/o VQF Verein zur Qualitätssicherung von Finanzdienstleistungen, General-Guisan-Strasse 6, 6300 Zug www.fincontrol.ch
Ombudsman Service
For all questions and complaints our clients might have, we affiliated with the ombudsman service for financial service providers FINOS according to FinSA.
FINOS Finanzombudsstelle Schweiz, Talstrasse 20, 8001 Zürich www.finos.ch
Risk Information
The new Swiss FIDLEG («Finanzdienstleistungsgesetz») valid from January 1st 2020 strengthens investor protection and includes regulations regarding the provision of financial services and the offering and creation of financial instruments. Detailed information on risks associated with securities investments you can find in the respective asset management and advisory agreements as well as in the brochure «Risks Involved in Trading Financial Instruments» issued by the Swiss Banking Association.
Client Segmentation
According to the financial services act RF Investment AG is obliged to classify the client according to one of the following categories: private client, professional client or institutional client. The level of investor protection is lower for professional and institutional clients than for private clients. In order to benefit from a comprehensive range of financial instruments, high-net-worth retail clients may choose to be classified as professional clients (opting-out).
Informationen about Economic Ties to Third Parties
The company informs about any economic ties to third parties in case these ties can lead to a conflict of interest in connection with the financial services provided.